Haha. The title is completely the opposite of how i feel right about now! If only i could really really express how happy i am about this post on writing i so would!! I’m just so happy to share this with you all!
Okay, So I finally, FINALLY visited the Houston Zoo!! ( let me just try to explain what a milestone this is for me ) I have lived in Houston for 15 years and this Saturday i took my first trip EVER to the Zoo. All i can say is that i had such an amazing time. I was so excited to be there! I can honestly say i looked more excited than about 60% of the little children there. Haha. My sisters and I had such a great time there. I’ll definitely be going again very very soon! I was so excited about going to the Zoo that i completely forgot to bring an extra set of batteries for my camera! so, please excuse the lack of pictures! ( Trust me i would have taken a whole lot more!) I even took some shots of the grass *not just any grass! Zoo grass!* but, i felt you all have probably seen that many times before 😛 Enjoy!
My Sisters ❤
~ Have You Visited Your Nearest Zoo Yet?
{Don’t Worry, Be Happy}